AFK for the holidays, and the syphilis meme

So I’ll be AFK for the holidays, which for me means about a week and a half. There will be some scheduled posts put up during that time (however, we’re unfortunately skipping the Wind-Up next week), but I won’t actually be about. Make sure you all have a fantastic holiday yourselves, won’t you, and don’t eat the yellow snow.

I’d also like to let Tam know that I’ll be writing about holiday achievements for him after I get back. He should therefore beware, because there might be a topic waiting for him himself, when he least expects it…

Be right back,


Hearts, Hands and Voices draws to a close

ChipIn Widget

Not an actual widget, just an image!

Well, it’s December 13th and as such Azeroth United’s massive Hearts, Hands and Voices drive for the Child’s Play charity has come to an end. It therefore gives me great pleasure to tell you that the total amount of money raised (ignoring the image above which is a little out) stands at a whopping…


Considering their original goal of $5000, I think we all need to offer them a huge congratulations on doing so much for a wonderful charity, and a special mention should go to Stompalina, Nibuca, Fimlys and Brigwyn for organising and running the drive. Obviously, we also need to give thanks to everybody who donated, everybody who ran events to raise money or awareness, and all the sponsers who donated such great prizes for the HHV prize draw.

Well done to AU again, and let’s hope they keep it all up in the future!


Not enough hours in the day

Stress clock

Well, Patch 3.3 has officially been announced to be dropping tomorrow (for us in the EU at least) and as such I’ve gone into overdrive slightly trying to get completely ready for it. Unfortunately I have fifteen other RL things to do too.

  • My guides, links to which can be found on my blog’s home page, will be updated to reflect the final patch notes ASAP (meaning tonight or tomorrow).
  • I haven’t yet entirely finished my tirade of posts about how much I appear to hate WoW players, so there’s that to write.
  • I have a lovely differentiation and integration problem to tackle which I also then need to write up.
  • There’s a desktop computer with a note saying ‘fix and upgrade me’ downstairs, and it has my name on it.
  • I really need to draw up a Christmas shopping list.
  • My RSS reader has 42 new posts since I last checked this morning!
  • Inside the game, my auctions need gathering together, stock needs replenishing fully, and I need to buy some things.
  • Guild admin.

And of course, when I come to log in, I find my game time has just expired. Typical!


The world we live in


After yesterday’s rant, I feel like I should go on to moan about other problems with the WoW society too, so here we go.

While we’re on the topic of PuGs, there’re people who ask for your gearscore and use it as the basis for inviting you (it’s determined by an addon which I don’t use on principle). Now your gearscore is based on the iLevel of your gear, and is what it says it is – a score for your gear. It doesn’t measure skill, it doesn’t measure experience, and it most certainly does not measure how good a player you are. Yes, I understand that as part of the overall view somebody’s gearscore is a good way of quickly checking their gear. But it should not be used as the sole means of deciding between two people!

The only real way to determine how ‘good’ a player is, is to run instances and raids with them. Just because a person has credit for killing a boss, whether by achievement or somewhere like Be Imba!, doesn’t mean they were really involved – they could have been stood there AFK. Likewise, gearscores can be cheated – simply put on your highest iLevel gear while someone is inspecting you (even if, for example, you’re a Warrior and this means putting on healing cloth items) and then change back when you get the invite. No, you need to actually run with the person. That way you can see their reactions, skill, relative dps (because it does depend on the fight you know, so asking me for my average dps is a waste of time too), and all that jazz for yourself. Then you can decide how good the player is.

Speaking of relative and situational dps, there’s Recount. One of my greatest hates has got to be the spamming, whether in party or raid chat, of Recount meters. Let’s observe some basic rules people ought to follow:

  1. Trash dps does not count. IT DOES NOT COUNT. If you post meters for trash mobs alone in my group, you will not be staying. This also invalidates the default ‘Overall Damage’ setting, because that includes trash. Something 97% of people should take note of.
  2. The only meters which count are for bosses, and even these should be taken with a pinch of salt. Each boss has different requirements and situations which could affect those meters. Sure, that Mage is below the tank, but was he busy using CC so the group didn’t wipe? Yes, that Warlock is at the top, but did he deliberately risk the group safety by DoTing up all the mobs he could reach to boost his damage? Did the Hunter have to keep moving, lowering his damage and DPS but keeping the raid safe from his AoE debuff? The only fair comparisons are Patchwerk fights where you can stand still and attack with no other factors, and these happen incredibly rarely.
  3. Overall Damage is just that – damage. It’s not DPS. Don’t, for Pete’s sake, happen to be first on damage and then claim to be doing the highest DPS, because often you won’t be.
  4. Spamming meters without asking is frankly rude anyway. It clogs up the chat channel and makes it hard to see things – this is especially a problem in raid chat when the Raid Leader is attempting to detail a fight or hand out instructions and the other 8 / 25 people can’t see anything because you’re busy lording the fact that you’re second on DPS or something.

Another thing which really annoys me is incorrect spelling and grammar – I mean, is it really so hard? The main requirement for my guild is that everyone joining must be fluent in English (we’re an English speaking server after all) although it could be debated as to whether ‘I can haz 50g lol kthxbai’ is English or not.

On that note: beggars. Right, just listen – it is NOT HARD to make money in World of Warcraft. It was, once upon a time, but no longer. Anyone who complains is obviously an idiot, and that’s not even considering that everything is also cheaper these days. I mean, mounts, what?

If you need money, there are some very simple things you can easily do rather than stand in a city and waste all our lives:

  • Go and kill mobs. Take their money and sell the items they drop. Works at any level.
  • Go and do quests. It’s not as if the game is designed around them, or anything. Works at any level.
  • Learn to use the Auction House. There are so many stories of people rolling a new toon on a new server and hitting 50k, 100k, 200k gold within a month or whatever by playing the AH, it’s not even funny. AHing works at any level.
  • Get a gathering profession. Skinning, mining, herbalism. Sell what you get. Works at any freakin’ level.

To finish for now, we’ll cycle back to yesterday’s post again. A friend recommended an addon to me called The Underachiever*. It basically allows you to fake achievement links, so the next time you’re annoyed because that Ulduar PuG needs an achievement, fake it, get in, and enjoy. Just make sure you do know the strategies and what-not. We won’t stand for ridiculous PuG entry requirements!


*The addon is just like any other – perfectly legitimate, abides to the ToS, etc, so don’t worry.

Posted in Misc.. 5 Comments »

The stupidity of some

One thing that really irks me is when people advertise a PuG raid but ask for you to link them your achievement before they’ll let you in. Why is this stupid?

Well for one thing, if you have the achievement for somewhere like ToC (since it requires killing the last boss), it most probably means you’ve completed it with a raiding guild. Which means you’re either still in a raiding guild, or you have been. If you have been, but you left, it’s because you don’t have time to raid any more (so you won’t be joining the PuG), or because you have all the gear you need and aren’t interested any more. Hence, you wouldn’t join a PuG because there’s no benefit – you’ve seen the content and you’ve got the gear.

If you’re still in that raiding guild, you’re probably going to be running ToC (or wherever) every other night – or at least once a week. This means that even if you’re not saved to it, you’re probably sick of it already, and you’re certainly not going to be wanting to wipe on bosses which are easy for your guild to kill.

So that leaves potential PuG members as anyone not in a guild who hasn’t already been to the raid. And therefore they won’t have the achievement, will they? It’s a wonder these PuGs ever fill up.

Just because somebody doesn’t have the achievement for ToC (for example) doesn’t mean they don’t know the fights, doesn’t mean they’re not skilled, and doesn’t mean they haven’t got the right gear. Heck, they might have killed all but the final boss!

I’ve never set foot in the place, but I know strategies for almost all of every fight in there. I know about using the orbs on the Twins with the dark and light difference, I know about standing on ice on Anub if he follows me so that the spikes won’t penetrate and I’ll be safe, I know that you have to avoid the charge on Gormok (part of Northrend beasts) and that faction champions can be very similar to a PvP fight and therefore I need potentially to be aware of things like Fear to CC. I’m also pretty good at playing my class, if I do say so myself, and can easily put out enough dps to be suited to a normal ToC run.

In a way, it’s very similar to when young people are looking for jobs. A friend of mine walked into HMV to ask about the vacancy, but she was turned away because she didn’t already have previous retail experience. Now, she’s good with people, she’s reliable, and she knows a heck of a lot about music, but it didn’t matter, because she hadn’t worked anywhere else first. But if everywhere says that, where is she supposed to go to get the experience in the first place?

PuG groups are much the same; they won’t accept you unless you’ve cleared the raid already, but none of them will let you in to clear it! It’s a strange world we live in folks…

Posted in Misc.. Tags: , , , . 3 Comments »

Link Love

Well, I’m not 100%, but I am on the mend, and so I’m going to take today to suggest a few good reads (and listens) for your enjoyment.

A while back we looked at the most famous Warlocks in WoW, and while Ner’zhul (the original Lich King) never actually became a Warlock, his story is very much intertwined with those of characters we investigated – Gul’dan and Kil’jaeden amongst others. Therefore, this great article on his lore from is definitely worth a read!

A common theme of complaint these days seems to be ‘WoW is too easy’, or something along those lines. I haven’t really said anything on the matter, although I do agree that the game is become maybe a little too “casual-friendly” – which is a term I use loosely – but there are a couple of podcasts who have been discussing it and a lot of their points would be my points. These are the two best ones I’ve found on the subject:

Darth Solo of WoW Alone wrote a great, in-depth post on The Truth About Inscription! *dramatic music*

HitTheCap at last managed to hit the cap (after just two and a half months in actuality). So well done to Tella on that achievement!

Yes, I know it’s not a really informative and interesting post, but I’m building my way back up. Additionally, work gets in the way a lot, so if anyone fancies solving some vector mechanics for me…


Silly Saturday Post

It’s Saturday and it’s the weekend, so let’s relax with some random funnies and/or links.

Firstly, the newest Filmcow Studios video is out, and oh boy is it hilarious:

I’m considering buying the DVD, actually. Anyone else tried it who can give an opinion?

Read the rest of this entry »

Gevlon and Markco

As many of you have no doubt read or heard, an interesting and controversial situation developed earlier today when Gevlon of the Greedy Goblin posted an article: No means no!. In this article, he wrote about how Markco of JMTC allegedly emailed him with a business proposition.

Markco’s idea was simply that Gevlon, being the author of a popular socio-economics blog, could have a small ad on his site which linked back to the JMTC gold making guide, a product Markco sells which contains what are apparently the best tips and tricks on how to make gold i.e. the ones which are better than those posted on his (free) blog. Now I’ve never bought his guide and can’t say what is inside, but it’s a normal and fair enough idea to want to advertise it.

Read the rest of this entry »

It’s the weekend…

…and as everyone knows, the weekend means it’s time for a random post with no real bearing on the game or RL. This weekend, you’re especially lucky, because there will actually be two posts this weekend thanks to the launch of my second contest tomorrow! That’s right – not one, but two. Nicht eins, aber zwei. Pas un, mais deux. Bon appetite!

First up, this amazing video. Remember those books you used to buy, where you followed a character into a spooky house or similar, and then you could either “Go upstairs: Go to page 39” or “Go through the door ahead: Go to page 81”? It’s like that – but in video form! And it’s been done really, really well. Not only was it incredibly creepy, but I loved the butler character, and the ending, which I won’t spoil for you.

Now you can watch the first introductory part here, but when you click a link for the first time it will probably open in a new window. Feel free to let me know how many attempts it took you to finish, because I think I tried every option before getting the right ones…

Next up, I found this post on the new bought-with-real-money minipets over at Darth’s blog particularly interesting, mainly because I agree with almost everything he says. Check it out, and maybe have a look around the blog in general while you’re there.

Finally, this picture I found over at Wowbash, and I thought it was particularly relevant, being a Warlock. It also made me laugh:

Oh, burn

Until tomorrow,


Long Strange Trip

Well, this post has been slightly delayed due to more important things, but yes – I finished up Hallow’s End (after waiting almost the entire holiday duration for the pet to drop from the Horseman – I got it in a Trick or Treat bag in the end), and completed the “What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been” achievement!

Long Strange Trip

Edited to blank out guild chat

That was pretty epic, since it scored me a 310% mount in the process. Which, incidentally, is more purple than pink.

Violet Proto Drake
